

山上 安装 86473


00:000 00:000 OCUI: Failed to load images for Modern
00:006 00:006 OC: External interface failure, fallback to builtin - Unsupported
06:669 06:662 AAPL: #[EB.H.IS|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
06:675 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.H.IS|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
06:682 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0
06:688 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:INIT] 2022-12-24T20:41:34
06:779 00:090 AAPL: #[EB|VERSION] <"bootbase.efi 495.140.2~49 (Official), built 2022-08-29T05:08:23-0700">
06:786 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|BUILD] <"BUILD-INFO[308]:{"DisplayName":"bootbase.efi","DisplayVersion":"495.140.2~49","RecordUuid":"476F307C-7F27-4D67-A04F-2456D79772FB","BuildTime":"2022-08-29T05:08:23-0700","ProjectName":"efiboot","ProductName":"bootbase.efi","SourceVersion":"495.140.2","BuildVersion":"49","BuildConfiguration":"Release","BuildType":"Official"}">
06:792 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.CFG.DEV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV booter-strict-xmlparser 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
06:799 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:DEV] r5 0x0 0x0
06:806 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0
06:812 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|WL:MODE] 0
06:819 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] boot-save-log 0x0000000000000002 (0x0000000000000002 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default
06:908 00:089 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] wake-save-log 0x0000000000000002 (0x0000000000000002 < 0x0000000000000002) default
06:915 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] console 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0x0000000000000001) default
06:921 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] serial 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0x0000000000000000) default
06:928 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] embed-log-dt 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 < 0x0000000000000000) default
06:934 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] timestamps 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default
06:940 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] log-level 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 & 0x0000000000000021) default
06:947 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] breakpoint 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 & 0x0000000000000000) default
06:953 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] kc-read-size 0x0000000000100000 (0x0000000000100000 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default
07:042 00:088 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0
07:048 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 0 0x00
07:055 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|BRD:NV] Mac-06F11F11946D27C5
07:066 00:011 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 2 0x00
07:073 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.BST.IDT|+]
07:079 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.BST.IDT|-]
07:086 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 3 0x00
07:442 00:355 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 4 0x00
07:448 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|BRD:NV] Mac-06F11F11946D27C5
07:455 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 5 0x00
07:461 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.H.CHK|BM] 0x0000000000000000
07:467 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
07:474 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 23 0x0E
07:480 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
07:487 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 24 0x0E
07:587 00:100 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
07:594 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
07:601 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
07:607 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-image 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
07:614 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|H:NOT]
07:620 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|SB:P] 0x0
07:630 00:009 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:DP] Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(14|0)/Usb(12, 0)/HD(Part3,Sig28D7174C-93A8-4C33-BA09-1F653D7ADB32)
07:637 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:FP] \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
07:726 00:089 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:OPT]
07:732 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|RPS] 0 0 0
07:740 00:008 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist">
07:746 00:005 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> <"0">
07:758 00:011 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist">
07:764 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|LF!] Err(0xE)
07:771 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist">
07:860 00:089 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> <"0">
07:869 00:009 AAPL: #[EB|KF] <"root-dmg=file:///BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg">
07:874 00:005 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:CL] <"">
07:881 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:NV] <"-v -no_compat_check keepsyms=1 nv_disable=1">
07:887 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:KF] <"root-dmg=file:///BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg">
07:894 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:OUT] <"-v -no_compat_check keepsyms=1 nv_disable=1 root-dmg=file:///BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg">
07:900 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:VERBOSE] 2022-12-24T20:41:35
07:906 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|OPT:BM] 0x2
07:997 00:090 AAPL: #[EB|B:VAw]
08:003 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|P:CPR] N
08:009 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|P:MPI] N
08:016 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|P:BPI] N
08:022 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|KMR] 293761024
08:028 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.CS.CSKSD|+]
08:035 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.CS.CSKSD|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-info-payload 8D63D4FE-BD3C-4AAD-881D-86FD974BC1DF
08:127 00:092 AAPL: #[EB.G.CS|-?] Ok(0)
08:134 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"<null string>"> <"1">
08:151 00:017 AAPL: #[EB.B.SBS|SZ] 739896
08:159 00:007 AAPL: #[EB|B:SHA] <fca4dcc59a9f1843fa4e095a7f7e978e07534127>
08:166 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.WL.PWLFNV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV wake-failure 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
08:172 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.WL.DT|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.WL.PWLFNV
08:184 00:011 AAPL: #[EB.WL.PWLFRTC|NONE]
08:190 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.WL.DT|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.WL.PWLFRTC
08:281 00:090 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|D] <"System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc.development">
08:288 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.development">
08:294 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|R.2] <"System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc">
09:780 01:485 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKFS|-?] Ok(0)
09:788 00:007 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|-?] Ok(0)
09:795 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|FWFM] 0x00000008FF1FFF7F
09:801 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|FWFT] 0x00000008EB0FF577
09:891 00:090 AAPL: #[EB|BST:REV1]
09:898 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CSR:IN] 0x00000040
09:904 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|CSR:OUT] 0x00000040
09:912 00:008 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|+]
09:919 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|ADSZ] 0
09:925 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|KSSZ] 0
09:932 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|SB:SBGMFNS] x86legacyap.im4m
09:938 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|RH:PF] usr\standalone\OS.dmg.root_hash
10:028 00:089 AAPL: #[EB|RH:MF] <"usr\\standalone\\OS.dmg.root_hash.x86legacyap.im4m">
10:035 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"usr\\standalone\\OS.dmg.root_hash"> <"0">
10:041 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"usr\\standalone\\OS.dmg.root_hash">
10:048 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.RH.LRH|P!] Err(0xE) <- EB.LD.LF
10:054 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.RH.LRH
10:061 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.B.WFDW|!WF] Err(0xE) 0
10:068 00:006 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:DT] 2022-12-24T20:41:37
10:429 00:361 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] 2022-12-24T20:41:38


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