请注意,OpenCore截至目前仍然处于测试阶段,虽然OpenCore比Clover有种种好处,但目前只适合有一定动手能力的用户折腾。OpenCore的设计理念先进,相比Clover,不会破坏系统的完整性,并且 Lilu、AppleALC、WhateverGreen 等等一众开源黑苹果驱动均已转向OpenCore,不再测试Clover兼容性,所以这是趋势,正如当年Clover替代了变色龙。
- 主流开源黑苹果驱动已经全面转向OpenCore,例如声卡AppleALC、显卡WhateverGreen、核心扩展Lilu等等,新版均不再测试Clover的兼容性;
- 一般来说,OpenCore系统的启动速度比使用Clover的系统快。
- OpenCore通过对FileVault的更好支持提供了更好的整体安全性。
- OpenCore通过boot.efi支持引导热键支持-在启动时按住Option或ESC选择引导设备,按Command + R进入恢复模式,或按住Command + Option + P + R重置NVRAM。
- OpenCore的设计着眼于未来,并使用现代方法加载第三方内核扩展而不会破坏系统完整性,但Clover在一定程度上会。
- 保护通过读取启动磁盘设置的NVRAM变量,就可以像Mac一样支持BootCamp切换和引导设备选择。
- AptioMemoryFix的未来开发直接与OpenCore绑定,特别是通过FwRuntimeVariable.efi作为扩展将其吸收到OpenCore中。
- 支持UEFI和传统启动引导模式。
- Mask Patching意味着macOS的更新几乎不会破坏基于AMD的黑苹果系统,而OpenCore拥有的AMD OSX Patches支持High Sierra,Mojave和Catalina的所有版本。
- Fast Boot
- VT-d (可以开启,前提是DisableIoMapper开启,AMD用户需要关闭SVM)
- Thunderbolt
- Intel SGX
- Intel Platform Trust
- CFG Lock(MSR 0xE2写保护)
- 如果该项在BIOS不能关闭,则需要考虑使用修补程序
- 使用AMD CPU的用户不用担心这个
- VT-x
- Above 4G decoding
- Hyper-Threading
- Execute Disable Bit
- EHCI/XHCI Hand-off
- OS type: Windows 8.1/10 WHQL Mode
- Legacy RTC Device(关联Z370+)
- Fixed CPU bus ratio calculation for Nehalem and Westmere
- Fixed CPU package calculation on MacPro5,1 and similar
- Improved OpenCore rerun detection for new versions
- Fixed loading picker on boot failure when it is hidden
- Added PMC ACPI sample for 300-series chipsets
- Improved driver connection performance on APTIO IV
- Fixed boot option saving in LogoutHook.command
- Added support for OEM information in ExposeSensitiveData
- Improved SanitiseClearScreen to avoid mode switching
- Replaced SupportsCsm with AdviseWindows enabling UEFI mode
- Fixed issues with default boot path selection on some boards
- Update builtin firmware versions
- Fixed AdviseWindows not setting FirmwareFeatures in NVRAM
- Added TakeoffDelay option for improved action hotkey support
- Added Mac GOP support to ProvideConsoleGop quirk
- Added experimental BuiltinTextRenderer boot option
- Added DummyPowerManagement kernel quirk to disable CPU PM
- Added Enter key handling in boot menu for quick proceed
- Update builtin firmware versions
- Bundled FwRuntimeServices driver with OpenCore
- Allowed writing to non-volatile variables with disabled write
- Fixed microcode reading on Intel CPUs
- Fixed SMBIOS Type4 External Clock values
- Improved Windows compatibility on some setups (acidanthera/bugtracker#614)
- Added SupportsCsm and option in PlatformInfo/Generic
- Added OSInfo protocol support
- Added SignalAppleOS Booter quirk to enable IGPU on Macs in other OS
- Added AppleSmcIoprotocol support (replaces VirtualSmc UEFI driver)
- Added AuthRestart security property for VirtualSMC authenticated restart
- Fixed input protocol initialisation on VMware fusion
- Added arrow key handling in boot menu
- FileVault 2-like key input is now the only supported input in boot menu
- Fixed 5 second delay when exiting Shell to OpenCore Picker
- Added default boot option update and AllowSetDefault Security option
- Fixed CPU package detection on configurations with multiple CPUs
- Bundled CleanNvram and VerifyMsrE2 tools for debugging
- Added screen clearing after choosing boot entry in picker
- Added WriteFlash NVRAM option to enable writing variables in Add
- Added LegacyOverwrite NVRAM option to allow overwriting variables by nvram.plist
- Added AppleXcpmForceBoost kernel quirk to maximise select Xeon performance
- Bundled NvmExpressDxe and XhciDxe drivers for platforms that need them
- Added IncreasePciBarSize kernel quirk for select platforms with PCI space issues
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